Medhealth Marketing

Medical Marketing Specialists

Blog & articles

<strong>Benefits of Marketing your medical Practice</strong>

Benefits of Marketing your medical Practice

Benefits of Marketing your medical Practice Your practice and your wider career will increasingly rely on your internet presence.  Marketing plays an important role in helping healthcare professionals to create, communicate and provide value to their target market. A good marketing strategy and optimised website emphasises your credentials, experience, compassion, and unique services to support […]

What we Can Do for You

What we Can Do for You

What we Can Do for You Whatever your goals are, we, at MedHealth marketing, undertake continuous research to indicate who we need to target and what and how we need to deliver your message with discretion and competence. Whether you need organic or paid advertising, we can accommodate you by recommending the best and most […]

Social Media in Healthcare

Social Media in Healthcare

Social media in healthcare Social Media (SM) provides a convenient platform for reaching patients with important medical information, and at the same time capturing data for future use. Social Media is a perfect platform to share important health and medical information. This allows patients and the general public greater and easier access to medical information. […]

Social Media Facts

Social Media Facts

Social Media Facts FACT In the UK, 1 in every 5 minutes is spent on a mobile device.   Facebook constitutes 40 % of the population’s viewers and Instagram 30%. As Facebook owns Instagram, 70% is covered by these 2 platforms.   Therefore, even though social media consists of many sites, Face Book and Instagram […]

Blog Posts

Blog Posts

Blog Posts or Medical Practitioners Blog posts are the oldest and most established form of social media being successfully used for many years due to blogs reaching a wider audience especially if the content is of huge interest. Often posts are viewed repeatedly, going viral in many circumstances encouraging interaction and proving online presence Opportunities […]