Medhealth Marketing

Medical Marketing Specialists


1 in 20 google searches are medically related

1 in 20 google searches are medically related

70%+of potential patients find their medical practice / practitioner through google

70%+ of potential patients find their medical practice / practitioner through google

89% of patients use google for health-related questions

89% of patients use google for health-related questions before even asking their doctor.

59% are sure that using online health information beneficial

59% are sure that using online health information beneficial

52% felt less isolated and lonely

52% felt less isolated and lonely

21% made fewer calls to their GP

21% made fewer calls to their GP

10% made fewer calls to NHS 111

10% made fewer calls to NHS 111

51% look to the internet to improve on their health and well being

Med Health Marketing

Therefore, ¾ of your patients are online actively searching for what you have to offer