Medhealth Marketing

Medical Marketing Specialists

About Med Health Marketing

MedHealth Marketing is a medical marketing company dedicated to bringing quality and heart together into a customisable plan for you, the medical Practitioner or Practice.

Med Health Marketing is a ‘one stop’ marketing solution, tailored for your specific requirements.

This frees you from employing extra specialised staff along with all staff requirements such as annual leave, illness, maternity leave, resignation and so forth. We believe in flexibility with our support and are here for when you need us no matter how big or small, ongoing or one off.

Med Health has its roots in South Africa… Home of Groote Schuur Hospital where the first heart transplant was performed, and where Med Health staff received their training. The challenges in this marketplace are unrivalled and this experience has shaped our values and beliefs

As we enter the UK market, we bring with us over 35 years of experience in medical marketing including diversity, differentiation, medical specialities, and expertise in both traditional and digital marketing.

We are proud to be given this opportunity of opening our doors on new soil and welcome all challenges that we face in the UK market.